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We are on the opposite slope of Mount Latimojong from the well known Toraja region, where we have the same varietals, climate, and elevation, but here we have some unique opportunities to implement modern and experimental processing. All our coffee enters our processing as ripe cherry picked the same day, is carefully monitored through fermentation, dried slowly on raised beds, rested as parchment for 30 days in climate control, dry hulled, hand sorted as green bean, packaged in GrainPro, and cupped for quality control.



We buy ripe coffee cherry directly from farmers, paying cash at time of purchase, with the best price in the region. Not only do farmers make more money per coffee bean, but it frees them from hours of post-harvest labor, so they can pick even more coffee, or have some well deserved rest. Outside of harvest seasons we have begun initial consultation on pest avoidance, soil health, and tree rehabilitation.



We desire for roasters to be educated and engaged with both the quality and social impact of the coffees they sell. Through our direct relationship with small-holder farmers, detailed record keeping, and commitment to transparency we provide coffee roasters with farm gate pricing and evidence that price premiums are helping those who need it most. We welcome feedback and a conversation about any ideas for improved processing or social impact, and are happy to host those that want to participate directly.